Sunday, September 14, 2014

Generation 2 - Chapter 18

She was depressed! Pregnant and heart broken. It didn't matter that Vera was doing life for Titus' murder. That didn't bring him back, didn't keep the father of her soon to be born baby there. She quit her job. She stopped talking to all her friends. Her bed was her friend. Her bed was her world. 

It took the desperate pleas of her elderly father to get her out of the house. 
"Please come see me. I don't have much longer to live and we need to talk" 

"My heart is broken, Hal, what am I going to do?" 

"I know I was never around for you as a child, but let me be here now" 

"I put in a good word for you at the station in case you want your job back" 
"Thanks but no, I didn't really like it there anyway" 

"Okay, well there is one thing you have to let me do for you. For you and this precious life you have in your belly"

"I'm giving you my house!" 

The house! Wow! Jane didn't know what to think of that. She had a house. She liked her house. Her house was not meant for a family though. Hal's house has 2 bedrooms, a garage, and a fenced in yard. Perfect for a woman with a child. Jane decided to accept, not that Hal was giving her the option to refuse. 

As soon as she said 'yes', Hal knew he could let go. He had been holding onto life only for the purpose of redeeming himself in his daughter's eyes. Goodbye Hal. 

Jane didn't waste anytime redecorating... 


Making the house HERS gave her a project, a mission, a purpose. It's hard to get over the death of a loved one, even more so 2. Hal now has a special place in Jane's heart.

She bought a family plot to lay her Titus and father to rest. 

She had yet to finish the details of the nursery when she went into labor 

She didn't even make it to the hospital! 

Meet Tina 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world, little Tina :3
    Poor Hal, having only held on long enough to give her the house :/ May he rest forever and not come back as a zombie.
