Monday, September 29, 2014

Generation 4 - Chapter 5

Now that she was keeping her eyes open to strange things, June was beginning to notice oddities. The general mood of the town was turning gloomy. It seemed to rain more, making the skies perpetually dark. People seemed less trusting, quicker to anger. 
Or maybe she was just looking into things too much. 

But something was definitely going on. About a week after the full moon there was a rally. Two bodies had been found floating in the river. No one knew who they were or where they had come from. The coroner couldn't even give a cause or time of death. People were worried. 

"Wil. I hope you get my messages soon. Something strange is happening and people are acting weird. Can we meet up or talk or something? Call me!" 

June tried distracting herself but it was no good. Her mom was starting to get upset with her and her slipping grades. How could she possibly concentrate on trivial things like homework when there was a whole other, secret world? 

Suddenly Wilson was there. 
"Sorry to drop in unannounced but I can't risk being seen right now."

"I've been so worried! There were two dead bodies in the river this week! That never happens here. Do you know who they were? Where did they come from? Have the elders decided if they're going to stay?" 

"Calm down, calm down. We don't know who those men were but we do know what killed them. We were close to driving them out. The elders think this was a message to us, retaliation for us fighting back. I know it's scary but we are working around the clock to keep you humans safe. I have put extra wards on your house myself." 

"So what killed them? Why are you hiding things from me? I deserve to know! You care enough to protect me but don't trust me enough to tell me the whole story? I want to know whats really going on. Don't you think that if I knew I'd be better able to protect myself, or even help you?" 

"You have become very special to me June....and I do trust you. It's just that it's not my place to say. I'm sorry! I'm not in the habit of keeping secrets. You have no idea how much trouble I would be in if my clan knew that I was with you, a human. I'm not supposed to even talk to you, much less love you.." 

I could kiss him forever! 

"Please don't worry. I will come and get you if things ever really get bad." 

"When it really comes down to it, I don't care what my people would say about us. Even if the elders decide to abandon this town, I will never leave you. You're mine now." 

June felt a rush of excitement at Wilson's heartfelt words. it was like being in, well, a fairy tale. She didn't care that she was only a teenager. She didn't care that she was too young to buy a house or move out. Those things seemed so unimportant compared to the feelings she had for him. 
"I feel the same fact..." 

"Let's get married! Then no one can stop us from being together!" 


  1. Dun Dun Dun DUN!! :O Married?? That seems... sudden :O I hope she's making the right choice there, they've hardly even seen each other :/

  2. Keep in mind that she's a socially inexperienced teenaged girl with a giant hole in her heart from no daddy. I actually had a young cousin of mine in mind when I wrote her. It's sweet and yet I want to shake sense into her ;-)
