Sunday, November 9, 2014

Generation 7 - Chapter 11

Yes Emmaline. I love her because she always creates drama just walking into the room! I am trying to make an effort to use ALL of my store content through this challenge. Along with leaning towards playing a certain type of sim, I also tend to use the same handful of objects as well. Mostly I just buy what ever has the highest score but I am trying to use stuff I've never or hardly used, hence the odd wedding attire. haha 

Newlyweds do frisky things all the time! Since they were living with Elgon still, at their unspoken request, he had been spending a lot more time closed in his room or at the coffee house these days... 

Jonas made an effort to spoil his new wife as much as possible before her new job at the Bistro started. 

Not to mention that she hung out in her sexy-time cloths most of the time. Jonas is a lucky man.

The new roommate also came with a dog. Elgon became so attached that he overcame his hydrophobia enough to go on regular swims with him 

That summer was Elgon's big over-the-hill birthday and Jonas threw him a big party 

Their closest friends came and thankfully Emmaline did not..

Fabian, Wind's husband had also become an elder

Elgon is one schnazzy looking elder

Not long after Jonas started getting threatening phone calls from Emmaline and her new friends. 

Trying to enjoy life with his wife was very easy to do. 

But she too was getting the phone calls. Threatening her, her family, her in-laws... 

"This has got to stop Emmaline!" 

The next night while Candace was at work Jonas paid a visit to the Rhoen household

"oh. It's you. Come in I guess." 

Jonas didn't really want to enter but they needed to talk and he had been strengthening his fairy magic 

"I think it's time you got over this...this...whatever you have with us.The phonecalls need to stop! The threats are uncalled for. You don't scare us! In fact we think you're rather pathetic!" 

Emmaline seemed taken aback at first. but that didn't last long 

"I had big plans for you, you little good for nothing ape lover! My family line and yours are a perfect match! With you giving my daughter a child I could have....." 

Emmaline paused to collect herself and Jonas was suddenly very curious and more than a little wary of where this was going.

"It's no matter. You made your choice. You're carrot top won't last forever, then you'll come back to my door begging for another chance." 

"I am tired of veiled threats and hints of danger. Perhaps this will teach you to stay away from me and my wife!" 

Jonas knew there was no 'inner beauty" to be had here. After casting his spell he turned and left with a final warning 

"If I see you again, I won't leave it at a simple spell." 

Bonus shots 

Child Brenton


  1. So Elgon's an Elder now :( He grew up well!
    I wonder what Emmaline meant? Why would Jonas possibly want to get her daughter pregnant?

    1. Elgon has some good genes! I think he's one of the best looking elders I've ever had!
