Monday, November 10, 2014

Generation 7 - Chapter 17

Lets start off with a couple of bonus screenies 

Brenton as a teen. He looks so much like Wind, I love it. 

Elgons new wife, Sydney. She's a human. Her father's name is Pierce. Pierce is dating Emmaline..... 

Let's see. Jonas was trying to strum up help and was getting luke-warm responses (stupid, non-committal fairies!), Candace was looking into the fairy justice system and potential security before getting called into work early, and Cherish is busy being a teeny baby (awwwww) (I know 4 different people in RL that have had babies in the last 2 weeks so I'm overloaded on the tiny cuteness that is a newborn) 

Jonas returned home expecting to see his wife but found his MIL Mya instead. She just shrugged and handed over the baby. 
"She got called in. Said she sent you a message. I've got to go pick up Plasma juice for Ephriam, so I'll see ya later" 

Mya was still a bit miffed at Jonas for casting his inner beauty spell on her the week before. (she was his last one so he accomplished his LTW! yay!) 

Jonas pulled out his phone and saw the missed text. He was lonely without his wife but he snuggled up to Cherish and told her in a sing-song way all the things he had done that day. He knew his wife worked nights so he figured it was a good idea to have a dinner date with his little princess. It's never too early to teach a girl what to expect when gentlemen suitors start, right? (or what behavior to not accept...) 

When Cherish woke up for a 2 am feeding, mommy still wasn't home. After tending to her needs he started calling his wife. The phone went straight to VM. Then he started calling the restaurant but of course they were already closed and no one answered. 
He couldn't calm the anxiety rising in his chest and it started to overflow to cherish. He soothed her as best he could but he gave up knowing she could sense his fears. 

He put her in the crib and stepped out of the room away from her confused wailing to call his MIL. She answered groggily but was immediately awake once she understood what he was telling her. 
"What? No I haven't heard from her since she asked me to come over. Have you tried her phone? the cafe?" 

" NO answer! Her phone goes straight to voice mail. I'm freaking out. Are you sure she didn't say anything to you about going out after?" 

"No not at all! I'll call Wilson and Wind, you call the police" 

Feeling both a surge of fear at the thought of something being wrong and also a little relieved to have a plan, he hung up and called the station. They of course blew him off. A person isn't missing until it's been 24 hours. He began pacing, trying to fight back the tears of anxiety. The bang on the front door made him dizzy and he almost threw up with a sudden shock of fear went through him. He raced through the house and wrenched the door open, hoping that it was his Candace. That she had lost her key and all was well. But it was Mya and Ephriam. Her face was tear streaked and he looked pale, even for a vampire. They stood looking at each other, too many emotions to put into words. But they were all thinking the same thing. Emmaline. Finally Mya went down the hall to pick up the crying Cherish. She rocked her in her arms and they cried together. Jonas had never realized before how worried Mya must have been over that crazy woman and her threats. He now appreciated how stoic fairies were. Ephraim put his cold hand on Jonas' shoulder bringing him back to the present. 
"You should go down to the station in person. They'll have a harder time turning you away. Be sure to have them pull up the numerous complaints and threats you've had regarding Emmaline. We'll watch over the baby." 

Silently Jonas nodded. Feeling numb, he grabbed his keys. This was really happening. 


  1. Oh God. Poor Jonas :( Stupid fairies and their ancient, out-dated ways for dealing with things -.-
