Monday, January 19, 2015

Generation 8 - Chapter 27

The weeks that followed Fatima's graduation party were a horrible mix of sadness and excitement. 

Cherish took comfort where she could. Ephriam was being very stoic about losing his wife. Cherish couldn't remember if Maya had been his 3rd of 4th wife. Fatima left for college the week after the funeral. Promising to text and video chat all the time. Wind was also being distant. She and Maya hadn't been close but they had been around each other for many many years. Plus Cherish still didn't know what she and Ephriam had been fighting about the night Maya had died. 

Daric had begun calling Cherish every night. It was a great comfort to have someone she could talk to. She knew Fatima would text on occasion but her promise to call often was laughable. Cherish really appreciated the new friendship. Plus he was teaching her how to improve her plant's health and keep certain bugs away that she had been having problems with. They talked about everything except his house. Every time the subject came up, Daric had one excuse or another for needing to postpone the sale.

When she wasn't tending her sparse garden or on the phone she was out with Daric. He let her cry on his shoulder and distracted her from her grief. Cherish can't remember the moment their relationship turned from friendship to romance....

But she remembers their first kiss with heart stopping clarity. First of all, she'd never been kissed. Second, she had never realized how strongly she could feel about a man. The rush, the heat, the excitement! Now she felt she understood Fatima a little bit more and forgave her for being so boy crazy. Is this what she's been missing out on all these years?! 

When GG Wind found out about it, she was VERY unhappy. Cherish endured weeks of lectures about how inappropriate it was to date one of her design clients, and being dragged around town to meet 'boys her own age'. Wind was upset enough that whatever had been distracting her was no longer her priority. Getting Cherish a new boyfriend seemed to take up all her time now. The funny thing was, Cherish didn't think Wind REALLY cared if she was dating Daric or not. It was like she was fixing on it, making it bigger, so she didn't have to deal with something else.

This lead to Cherish avoiding Wind and meeting Daric in secret. She tried not to let on to him how Wind was reacting, but since he was one of her clients, he had already heard about it. Wind was now refusing to work with him. He joked about how making it forbidden made their relationship that much more exciting. He also told her not to worry too much. He agreed with Cherish's thoughts that it wasn't them dating that had her so upset.

"We'll just wait it out. I'm sure whatever she's wound up about will work out and she'll realize how perfect we are for each other."

Cherish didn't care. All she cared about now was how being around Daric made her feel. She was happy. She was honest to goodness HAPPY! A feeling she was not used to having. Now that she knew what it felt like, she had no intentions of letting it go.

If all the sneaking and fighting with GG wasn't enough, Cherish was woken up early one morning by the sounds of Fatima and Wind yelling at each other. Cherish didn't even know Fatima was home. Was it some school break she didn't know about?

".....How can you possibly believe that dropping out of college is a good idea? That I would support it??"

"I'm not dropping out mom! I'm just taking a break so I-"

"You haven't even finished one semester! How can you possibly need a break already?"

"I was offered an opportunity I can't say 'no' to. It's something I have been working towards for a few years now and I-"

"Fatima! If it requires you to quite school, it can't be a good opportunity."

"I'm not quitting school mother!"

"Cherish! Maybe you can talk some sense into her. She's here because-"

"I heard GG."

Wind stormed out of the room muttering something about not even having had any coffee yet.

"What's up Fatima? Are you really giving up on college? I thought you'd be loving it."

"Oh I'm LOVING it Cher! But I love the idea of being on TV even more. I got cast as the next bachelorette! I only came home so I could tell you guys in person. After I finish this semester, they're sending me to some exotic locale to start filming! Isn't that great!!?"

Cherish pulled Fatima into a tight hug. She knew this was something Fatima had been dreaming about for years. She was going to be excited for her but secretly worried how Wind would react when she learned the full reason Fatima was taking time off school...


  1. wow... Go Cherish!!! It's nice that she is finally connecting with someone. I think there is more to it than Daric being a client that has Wind all upset that Cherish is dating him. She has a lot on her mind, and whatever she's hiding is effecting her behavior and driving both girls away. Wind is going to be even more pissed when she learns that Fatima is taking a break to go on that TV show.

    Wind is shouldering a lot right now. :(

    1. Wind has had to deal with several lifetimes of loss and responsibility. She can't always be graceful about it.

      Fatima's challenge is coming and it's going to be fun!

      Cherish had found the male version of herself in Daric and she is discovering a whole new side of life.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. I think Wind is so against this relationship she is afraid that Cherish who has already lost so many family members may not be able to handle another. Daric is not only an elder but a human elder so he might not have many days left. It is nice to see her fall in love with someone that has her interest and maybe they can just enjoy the time they have together. Wind is just scared for her and also is distracted with other problems.

    Fatima must be floating on air knowing that she was picked for The One. Can't wait for the challenge.

    1. I didn't even think about the age thing from that angle. Cherish has so many people and now she's in love with a human elder. :( But if that's the case, why wouldn't Wind just say that outright? It would make more sense to Cherish that way. It may not change her mind, but at least she'd understand Wind's concern (if that is why Wind is concerned).

    2. Very perceptive PG!

      I have begun play on Fatima's challenge and it's been so much fun!

  3. Oh dear, Wind is not going to be very happy about that, will she! :O

    I do wonder if Cherish being together with Darick is a good idea... He is old, and unlikely to be immortal. It'd be terrible if Cherish was finally experiencing love just to lose it again so soon :/ She said herself she wasn't going to let go of her happiness, but she might not have a choice. I wonder why he is holding out on telling her his decision? Maybe he's worried that his feelings for her are influencing him?

    1. Oh don't think she is! I think Grace's mom from Jazen's story (sorry, can't recall her name) is the only mom in the world that could handle seeing their daughter on a show like that with so much support and grace.

      I thought more than once to cheat and make him and adult, but I try not to fiddle too much with this game. They are so perfect for each other though. He doesn't want to sell his house to her because that would mean he'd be moving away and that would just be too sad.

  4. Oh, I knew things were going to heat up with Daric and Cherish. I just had that feeling. It's just too bad he's old and might not be around much longer. I'd sure hate to see her lose her happiness so soon after she's found it.

    Pooh, GG Wind is NOT a happy camper. I knew she wouldn't be when Fatima made the big announcement about being on TV. Lenora didn't have a mom, but Mathilda was thought of as a mother. She was the one who signed alenora up for "The One" so she handled seeing Lenora on TV very well. Some just don't take it well, like Wind. Looking forward to seeing how that pans out. :-)

    1. Thanks! I had all these potential plans for cherish with a sim or two other's made for me but then she met Daric and they all went out the Window. Love knows no age or something like that.
      I too wish he was younger but I try not to mess with things unless i have to.

      Wind is like a wound top right now and poor Fatima got a bit of that pent up energy directed her way! Hopefully she'll come back in love with a good man and distract Wind with some new grand babies!

  5. I want to know what specifically about Daric, other than his age, Wind doesn't like. It has to be more than that he's not long for this life, although wind knows that's heartbreak enough. Answers, man! I need answers!

    Oh Fatima, I hope this is a wise career move for you. It's hard to go back to college after a break. And what would she say about Cher's older man?

  6. Haha. I am working on getting you answers! I am preparing for a lot of game changing events to happen and I want to make sure they crossover well.

    I think Fatima would fully support Cher in anything guy related honestly. It's long over due for her to have a romantic encounter.

  7. However, Daric & Cher work good together, GS wise. He can be around just long enough to pass on the next generation.

  8. Finally she feels happy! The only problem is definitely his age. Comparing to the lengh of her fairy life, their happiness won't last long. But... Well... better being happy for amshort time than never knwoing happiness at all.
    Congratulations to Fatima!!!

    1. I agree. Poor Cherish. She has finally found happiness but it will unfortunately be short lived.perhaps it's the dark and broody part of ner nature setting her up for failure subconsciously? But for now, LOVE!

      Yes, Fatima is VERY excited!
