Monday, September 29, 2014

Generation 4 - Chapter 6

"Of course I will marry you! That's when humans declare their mate right?"

"Oh yes. There's a big ceremony, and vows and flowers and....but you usually have to be a grown up and well, I'm not. WE'll have to keep this secret for a while."

"What is going on in here!" Tina bursts into the room causing Wilson and June to jump apart guiltily. "Since when are you allowed to have boys in you're room? Did you even ask me if he could come over? What is that....on your finger........!" 

"Ms Solo, please! I'm Wilson, remember? I'm here to protect you and your daughter!" 
"I don't recall needing any protection. Protection from what? What is going on!" 

"You see, I love your daughter-" 
"And I love him!" June jumped in. 
"We are pledged to be mated" 

At first Tina was speechless. Opening and closing her mouth several times. She couldn't seem to find the words or process the situation. Wilson tried to jump in but he couldn't figure out what to do or say having sensed he went too far and said the wrong thing. June stood frozen to the spot. So much for keeping it a secret! 

"That is ridiculous!" Tina finally managed to say. "You're children! You have no idea what love is! Take that ring off June. And you! Get out of my house!" 

"Mother! This is happening whether you like it or not! I'm in love and we're getting married!" 

They yelled at each other for quite some time before Wilson took action. He stood behind Tina. An aura appeared around him. It seemed to have a soothing effect. Slowly she seemed to run out of steam until finally, she just stared off into space in a dazed fashion. 

"What did you do to her?" 
"Nothing bad. You two were getting very upset. I see a similar confrontation happening when I tell my people. They're not going to like it." 

"Tell her what you want her to know or feel and when the trance lifts it will take effect. While you do that I must leave. I think it would be best if I were not here. I'll talk to you soon, my love." 

Before she could blink, Wilson was gone. He didn't even tell her how long the trance would last! She thought of all the things she'd like to change about her mother. Then thought better of it. Maybe it would be best if she just forgot this whole incident..."


  1. Good on her for not changing her mother in every way she can think of. I very much understand Tina's rage, any mother would be pissed off if her teenage daughter was suddenly engaged when she hadn't even know that her daughter had a boyfriend. And they've barely been that! Can't wait to see how this plays out, I certainly wouldn't mind having a little fairy baby around :D

    1. Oh yeah. Teens will be teens. Plus Tina is the bone that sent June out to make friends in the first place. I don't think this is what she had in mind.
