Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Generation 2 - Chapter 7

The diner Jane works at is right across the street from the park. As she was leaving one night she saw her old BFF Titus. 
"Titus! I haven't seen you since you moved! How are you doing? I'm so sorry about your mom. I've missed seeing you around"

"Just stop Jane, I have a girl friend!" 

"Dude! I wasn't coming on to you! I really missed you!" 
"Oh sorry...." 

"Whoa! I thought you had a girl friend" 

"Well I do....buut..." 

It was so good to see Titus again! We had such a great time together! 

The good times were interrupted when Cory called 

"Hey Jane! Wanna hang out? I can meet you at your place" 

Cory made Jane so nervous and giggly. She felt extra girly when she was around him. He's handsome, rich, and SO sweet. 

"I was thinking that you and I should spend more time together. I had a great time hanging out at the pool the other day" 

"Maybe we could be more than just friends? I like you a lot" 


"Maybe we need to get out of these work cloths?" 

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