Monday, October 27, 2014

Iron Man Update 6

In short order Vee accomplished the Bestselling Author ASP. 

A lot of ASP compliment careers and vice versa and you don't HAVE to change ASP after completing it if you don't want to. I didn't realize that right away(thanks to the little pop up you get that encourages you to choose a new one) so I went with Athletic!

She is quite the specimen and it helped a lot with the counter effects sitting in front of a comp for hours on end can have. She had to mentor other sims:

 Get to her most muscular self:

two days of pull downs and BAM! abs

She looked so amazing crowds gather where ever she went to get a good spot for the gun show

Vee STILL has not gotten to the top of the writing career path but she pulls in about 40k simoleons a week in royalties and investments!

I have done some hopping around the other ASP and completed the first tier on several of them while I wait for that coveted job promotion but I don't want to work any of them too hard as most of them go well with other careers. Perhaps Vee should throw more parties?


  1. damn wish I could get abs that quick! ahhhh to be a sim! LOL Congrats on finishing the one asp, hope she gets that promotion soon.

    1. Me too, me too! Or at least have a fast forward button during my work outs. I'd probably work out a lot more. That promotion....she only works 2 days a week and she's only at lvl 5. It's going to take FOREVER to get her work performance up.

  2. Congrats on finishing the Author ASP and which her luck on atheletics. She is doing well with money, maybe she should throw some parties to have some fun. She seems to be working hard and maybe she earned some fun.

    1. I thought about tring to get all the party achievements done while she S L O W L Y makes her way up the job ladder. I think one of the patches made it harder to have a successful party or something. They've all been flops lately and she used to get gold medals before.
