Friday, November 7, 2014

Generation 6 - Chapter 15

While at work the next day, Wind stopped by to bring the paper work and explain the guardianship. Because Elgon refused to remarry, Wind is back to being his guardian and therefore Jonas' as well. "If you get married or Jonas gets married, that all changes." Wind explained. "But if Jonas' behavior becomes.."unfit".. or he and Candace are deemed a poor match, the council has the right to step in and force the issue. None of us see that happening. Jonas is a good kid and Candace's family is in good standing in the community. And you'll be very happy to see that Wilson slipped in a clause stating that Emmaline has NO say on ANYTHING Jonas related! You may want to call your grandfather and thank him..." 

Immensely relieved and thankful, that's just what Elgon did when he got home. 

"Grandfather, I have new found respect for you. Not to mention understanding. I see now why you live in a separate home...." 

Elgon could not wait for his son to get home and share the news.

"The council has given it's official approval of your freedom...well, since they still had to give approval I guess it's not freedom, but still... You and Candace are a go!" 

Jonas was both pleased. Being the good hearted boy that he was, he was very concerned about the approval yet at the same time he knew it would work out. He had endless faith that all things were good and would work out in his favor. 

"I knew it would be ok Dad! Thank you so much for helping make it work" 

Jonas was starting to think Elgon was more excited about it than he was. Esp when his dad called and invited his girlfriend over to share the news with her as well. 

"Candace, my dear! you need to come over here. Jonas has something to tell you..." 

Jonas listened patiently to his father go on and on about how great this was. I guess it's the victory he never had 

".....and your great grandfather put so much at risk....." 


  1. I'm glad to see that they'll be able to be together - then again, I already knew that I s'pose ^^

    1. Hahaha. I guess it's. Little.weird to read through a story you already know a lot about?
