Sunday, November 16, 2014

Generation 8 - Chapter 17

Cherish was eager to get back to her plants. She had hired a neighbor's child to water them for her while she was gone but she knew a little boy was not going to take care of her plants like she could.

As she fussed over an indoor pot Wind was right behind her working at her drafting table. The room was cramped and Wind was often complaining about not having enough room for her design projects. But she never made Cherish move her more delicate plants somewhere else. Or kicked the house cat out.
"Have you finished filling out Uni applications yet Cherish? You'll be graduating soon you know."
Cherish was silently willing her GG to leave her alone about uni.
"Fatima has already picked her top 3."
"Yeah, but she chose her schools based on how good the parties are." Cherish blurted.
She immediately regretted it when Wind gave her an angry look. She didn't want to get Fatima in trouble. She just wanted to conversation to not be about her.
"What do you mean about parties?"
"I, um, hear the dog whining! I need to take him out!"

"Phew! That is not a conversation I want to continue!"
She mumbled into the dogs soft fur. She had no intention of going off to uni. What would happen to her plants? her business? She was finally making a profit. She had no idea what to do with any of the money she was making, but she knew it wasn't for her education. The idea of leaving home and being surrounded by strangers was borderline terrifying. She had finally gotten to a good place here. No one really bothered her anymore. Sure there was the occasional taunt in the lunch room, but no one really paid her any attention anymore. She preferred it that way.

Cherish knew Fatima couldn't wait to graduation and be off on her own. Going to new places and meeting new people was always on her to do list. Cherish would miss her dearly while she was away, she knew, but uni wasn't for her. Fatima was meant for an exciting life. Lots of friends. Boys chasing her. As it is she recently became addicted to some show on TV that was all about men or women competing for the attention and affection of one person. "The Love" or "True One" or something silly like that. Fatima always told her about the guys on the show and which ones she'd like to get to know better.
"After I graduate, I want to be on that show! Surrounded by hot guys? Yes please!"

Boys and dating. That's another thing Cherish wasn't interested in.
"Stuff like that doesn't last so why bother?"

She had her plants and her small business. She didn't need anything else, right?

Bonus shots
The plants and animals weren't the only ones happy to have the girls back from vacation
Come on now Ephriam. You have a wife. Wind's not interested on vamps anyway.


  1. Cherish knows exactly what she wants, she has her plants and her business and she doesn't need anything else. The problem is she seems to be closing herself up to love and would rather be by herself.

    Fatima is the absolute opposite, she wants the men all around her and we are all looking forward to seeing her on The One. A show that Cherish doesn't even know the name of.

    LOL Ephriam and Wind flirting.

    1. She has tunnel vision. It what gets her through the tough days. Fatima is the only thing that keeps her from going into full hermit mode. Fatima is still a teen but I can't wait to get to her chance on The One!

      I decided not to even mention Brenton being on it. I just don't see a way to reconcile my Solo world with yours and Jazen's right now. Maybe in a few gens when Jonas and Candace aren't running around out there!
      Thanks for commenting!

    2. No need to mention about Brenton if you do not want to, everyone's universe is seperate and you only have to do what you feel is right for your story. All Universes are different.

  2. Aww poor Cherish. She is just a sweet girl and leads such a sheltered life. Her world is so small and she has no desire to change that. I wonder how GG Wind will feel about her not wanting to go off to Uni. Maybe she can take 'online' classes or something to appease her grandmother while staying in her comfort zone.

    Fatima...she's so full of life. They are total opposites and such great friends. I hope that once Fatima goes off into the world, she won't forget about Cherish. I'm not sure Cherish can take another person leaving her. :( Hope her dog has that same potion as Vor or that will really crush her!!!

    1. She had a rough start to life made more.difficult by her peers. Not dealing with things is how she deals with things. WIND just wants her to have the same chances everyone else does. But you can make someone want what you wished they would want.

      Fatima is more like the older sister than cherish is. I've caught myself wondering what cherish would be like if Fatima had been born first.

      Mikey the dog! I can never remember his name. The whole family loves him.and their queus conflict when they all want to brush or play with him at the same time. He's not even trained! Hah. I'll have to work on earning that potion.

  3. Awww, the ghotsies are happy to have them home. I think Cherish and Fatima should go to college together, they'd have a blast. They'll look out for each other. Before college all Orchid was interested in was her plants and painting, now she's gained some confidence. Cherish has already come a long way from where she was.

    1. Going off to college with Fatima would probably to a world of good for Cherish but I am totally on the fence about it. I can see Fatima going off and having a crazy time. But Cherish, I think it would be out of character. But I am torn because I don't want to separate them! AGH!

      I think I may have writers block already -_-

  4. Oh, so cute how the ghosties were happy to have them home. :) Gosh, I wonder how Wind is gonna take it when she finds out Cherish has no desire to go to Uni. Cherish's world is so small that she can't see outside her plants and wanting to just be alone. It's going to take some time and some special circumstances for Cherish to even want love.

    Can't wait to see Fatima on "The One." PG is right that everyone's universes are different so no need to try to force something to work that doesn't feel natural.

    1. I kinda feel bad for recommending Brenton. I didn't remember him being such a jerk. Even now in my game he's still living alone. Oh well.

      Going off to college isn't for everyone, that's for sure. But I am still on the fence about some things. Do I send her and hook her up with a local plant sim? Does she get a science degree and engineer her own child? Does she randomly meet a guy and it's love at first sight? *Sigh* writers block. I know n\more about what I want to do with the next gen than I do with her. She's a hard sim to write for me.

  5. I hope Cherish won't regret her decision not to go to uni. But she seems so content with her garden and her business that I just have to feel happy for her ^^ I just hope that one day she'll give the right guy or gal a chance. It'd be sad to see her die alone :(

    1. I don't think.uni is for her. I wanted to.send her and Fatima together. But would be too out of character for Cherish. She's found her passion.a d plants don't need you to have a degree, esp when you're a fairy.

      The love life though. Not once has she had an attraction or wish someone. She's totally content a crazy plant lady. Of course we can't leave it at that.or my story done!

  6. I guessed so much that she wouldnt want to go to uni. And I understand, she likes being by herself, surrounded by her plants, why uni? She doesnt need it.

    1. She does not. It would not suit her at all, Fatima though.....
