Monday, November 10, 2014

Generation 8 - Chapter 6

Wind knew that the ghosts of the dearly departed came back for a visit sometimes. She remembered too well when Megan just couldn't let go and messed with Elgon's emotion time after time. They had left Hidden Springs in such a rush she honestly had no idea someone had thought to grab the urns. If her mother was here, who else's resting place were they housing? 

"Mom? What are-?" 

"Wind! My beautiful girl! I can feel your pain even across the veil. I am so sorry that you have lost so much." 

"Oh Mom. I'm so sorry... Wilson, Jonas and Candace,...Fabian." She started to sob 

"Now dear," June said in a motherly way, "You don't need to tell me, I know. They're with me now." And she grinned a huge grin. "Wilson and I are together again! Never pity the dead, it's the living you should worry about." 

"I'm so lonely. And scared. And it's a new place. The people here, they're very accepting but-" 

"No 'buts'! I know your heart hurts. I know you're sad, and lonely, and worried. But dear, you have beautiful children and grandchildren and great grandchildren all about you! There is JOY in that! Do you think feeling sorry for yourself is going to be good for them? Look at how melancholy Cherish already is. She is going to need you to lift her up. I see in her the potential to go down a VERY dark road. She needs you and especially Fatima to keep her from going that way.." 

"What do you mean? Mother I-" 

"Listen to me young lady! You will mourn and you will move on. You're going to get a make over. You're going to get your passion back for your work, and you're going to raise those kids!" 

"I don't want to do it alone! I'm tired of doing everything alone! Why do I have to be the responsible one all the time?" 

"Stop being a silly girl. You're not alone and you're not always the only one doing things! Here in Dragon Valley is a new beginning. Take advantage of it! Ephriam made sure to bring us all along so you won't be alone even if everyone else kicks the bucket." 


"Do you think Jonas and Candace will be able to stay away from their precious girl? She'll know them, even if it is...unconventional. Beside. I would love for them to hang out with someone else for a while. They're too lovey dovey for me, yuk!" 

"Hahah, mom!" Wind managed a watery smile. 

"I have to go now dear. Know that I love you and you're never alone." 

And with that she faded away. 

Wind felt surprisingly light. The last time she had talked to her mom was when the Cho's were trying to arrange a marriage with Elgon. She knew Life wasn't done sending pain her way but somehow it seems less dark and heavy. 

here is her make over to fit in more with the local culture. 


  1. Oh gosh! Loved seeing June come back to talk to Wind. She needed that talk with her mother to help get her back on track. Hopefully that helps Wind continue to feel stronger after all the pain and loss she's been through.

    Hahaha! "You'll never be alone even if everyone else kicks the bucket."

    LOLOLOLOL!! THAT was classic. Heheehehe!

    1. You're never too old to need your mom I think. Sometimes having her around to talk to is all you need to move on or feel better.

      lol, other than when Megan was haunting Elgon, I usually send my dead sims to live in the cemetery so I don't have to deal with the constant interruptions but having them there, watching over Cherish, just seemed like the right thing to do.


  2. Wind looks so pretty with her makeover! She'll fit into Dragon Valley beautifully! :3

    1. Thanks. I thought so too. She's been around so long her looks need to be changed around once in a while. ^_^

  3. Excellent ralk, Wind needed this. I love her new look!

    1. Yes. sometimes you just need a little tough love from your mom! I had fun doing her makeover. At some point I changed her hair too but forgot about it in the pic I posted. She fits into DV very well
