Monday, November 10, 2014

Generation 8 - Chapter 4

The Solo family has been living in Dragon Valley for nearly two weeks and have barely ventured beyond the front porch. Wind spent most of her time with Fatima or watching over Elgon as he taught his grand daughter a thing or two about life. Fabian took it upon himself, and a restless Brenton, to plan a family outing. There was a festival being set up a short walk down the road. Time to meet some locals and explore their new town. 

The locals were very friendly. They were so excited for the mysterious new family to be out and about. They wasted no time introducing themselves, Talking about local dragon lore when Wind asked about the strange green rocks lying about, or flirting with the cute blond boy 

"You've got to talk to them, so they know you're interested!" One little boy explained about the dragon egg. "If they like you, when they hatch, they'll let you name it and be yours forever!" 

"Okay, but what if they don't like you?" 

"Run! hahahah!" 

They stayed at the park for hours before heading back home for dinner. Wind still felt overwhelmed with too much new input and lost herself in a painting. She was trying putting serious thought into going back to work. The family had a decent savings to pull from but it wouldn't last forever. The move had put a large dent in the amount they had. Plus Brenton would be going to college soon, she hoped, then there was Cherish and Fatima. Maybe she still had the flair for home design still in her somewhere? 

She worried about Cherish. How much of her parents could she remember? Did she know they were dead? Can a toddler comprehend death? Or is it a general feeling of something being missing? She wasn't a sad or difficult child. She was just very introverted. She reacted poorly to new places and people. While she had a very close bond with Grandpa Elgon, when he wasn't around she obviously preferred to play alone. 

It wasn't until a policeman was knocking on the front door that anyone realized Brenton hadn't come home with them when they left the park. It must have been that pretty blue haired girl he met.... 

Even though he was in trouble for staying out past curfew , no one was really upset with him. 

It seems getting out for a few hours had done the entire family some good!

Bonus Shots

black dragon and some unfortunate clothing choices by Brenton 

purple dragon and the soon to be new and much smaller studio for Wind 

Let me sing you to sleep my darling fairy lover! 


  1. It looks like everyone is settling in really well!! I do hope Cherish will be alright, but with Grandma Wind and Grandpa Elgon with her I'm sure she'll be fine :)

    1. She has a lot of people watching out for her, that's for sure!

  2. "Okay, but what if they don't like you?"

    "Run! Hahaha!"

    Oh, that cracked me up! LOLOLOL!!!

    Aww, I hope Cherish will be okay. It sounds like she had a lot of people looking out for her, so that helps. Sometimes kids understand more than we think they do. I'm sure she'll have a happy life though.

  3. Haha. I'm glad I made you laugh. I wasn't (and still) not sure how big of a deal to write the dragons into. They're more like.....common pets in DV. Makes me think "How to Train Your Dragon"

    Kids see much more than adults do I think. they're not as distracted with grown up stuff and feel the moment a lot more. I'm sure Cherish has a sense of whats happened and it's going to effect her. No matter how many family members she still has :-(

  4. They seem to have good neighboors, this is nice. I'm a little worried for Cherish also, kids observe/understand way more than we imagine.

    1. DV has been very welcoming to the family. Which is a nice change for them.

      Poor Cherish, I'm sure she she has all kinds of memories she's too young to understand. Kids are very intuitive.
