Sunday, November 9, 2014

Generation 7 - Chapter 8

"Oh Jonas! Of course I will marry you!" 

"I love you" 

Elgon rushed over as soon as the happy couple parted 

"Welcome to the family Candace!" 

"Do you have a date in mind? Want to have it here? Where will you guys live? Here?" 

I think Elgon was so excited and gave more than a few hints that he'd be happy to support the young couple. Never mind that they still had to graduate before tying the knot. 

Bonus pics 
Cake for breakfast? Don't mind if I do! 

Candace was so tired she didn't get very far after the party 0.o 


  1. :O Poor Candace, sleeping on the floor like that :( It's nice to see her say yes, even if I did know how this is going to plan out. They are so cute, and deserve all the happiness they can get.

    1. They were so wonderful together. then you add in the craziness of SP....hahaha. Plus this was a lot that all the NPCs 'lived' at so there was so much going on in the lobby all the time. A sleeping ginger was par for the course
