Saturday, November 15, 2014

Generation 8 - chapter 16

Things were pretty monotonous around the house. Cherish had her garden and her dog. Wind was working hard. Fatima had boys calling day and night and had her horse.

Out of nowhere Wind decided to take the girls on vacation to Paris!

"Cherish, you and Fatima with be graduating high school and moving on college and careers before you know it. I know it was a spur of the moment trip, but try and have some fun?"

They tried doing group touristy things at first. Fatima grew bored very quickly and Cherish was easily overwhelmed by all the new people and activity.

Wind gave her okay to them to pursue their own pleasures so long as they met back up at the hotel by 10 every night.
Cherish heard of a secluded pond that was great for fishing and headed straight there. She had recently started researching the use of fish as fertilizer for her plants.

Wind headed to the winery for some tasting and hopefully some design inspiration.

Fatima ended up there too after learning that the legal drinking age was lower than back home. Perhaps she could bring a bottle or 3 back with her?

Back at the hotel the girls took up chess again. Cherish loved to play and took advantage of Fatima's lack of phones calls. She was happy that Fatima was so social and popular but being in a new place around so many people, she was very happy that the social life was on hold. That way Cherish could escape into a game with her best friend and actually have her undivided attention, giving her a mental rest.

All the guests in the hotel were woken up by a VERY angry Wind in the early hours of the morning. It wasn't even light yet!

Cherish had been desperate for some alone time. The fishing and games with Fatima had taken the edge off, but Cherish did not do well being forced into an environment like this with no warning.
Fatima had gone to bed after their chess match and Wind was off sketching on the back deck of the hotel. Cherish wasn't tired and she never slept well if she wasn't in her own bed so she tried practicing chess on her own. Unfortunately most of the other guests in the hotel were very friendly and out going. They wanted to join her for a game or sit and chat. This was too much for Cherish and she slipped out of the hotel and went for a solo swim in the river.

"I'm sorry I upset you GG! I be out. to, um, be alone?"
Wind had laid into Cherish the second she had gotten back. When she realized only Fatima was in their room she had panicked. Call the police. Searched all the rooms. She was frantic to find her. 

Wind forbade the girls from leaving the hotel for the entire day. She didn't care that this was vacation, she was so angry no one was going anywhere!
That was fine with Cherish. She felt more than a little guilty for causing such a rukus. Fatima thought it was great. Her introverted bestie had sneaked out of the hotel to go for a midnight swim! 
They spent the warm afternoon soaking up the sun. Fatima going on and on about how cool it was that Cherish had done that. 
"Mom is SUPER mad at you, but maybe next time you could take me with you?"

"I don't think sneaking out is something I'm going to make a habit of."

"You're my best friend in the whole world. You know that, right?"


  1. LOL Cherish is getting bolder by the day. First telling that guy off now sneaking out after curfew. She'll be an adult soon, but for now she must abide by the rules. Fun update!

    1. I'm glad you thought it was a fun update. I have about 100 pages of pics to still get through and I am thinking about deleting them all! I can't remember what was happening and I felt, after this update, that it was all fluff and no substance :-/ It's hard getting back to a save you haven't been able to play in a long time!

  2. Wind has a temper too but can't say as though I blame her. I am liking that Cherish is getting a bit of a backbone and is coming out of her shell pretty nicely. I really love her relationship with Fatima and Fatima is already becoming a favorite of mine. I can't wait to see what these two will be up to as adults.

    1. Wind can be very demanding when she needs to be. Imagine how'd she feel.if she lost her great granddaughter after losing Elgin and Jonas!
      I too am love cherish and Fatima. They are SO DIFFERENT but they're.always wanting to do.something with each other. I had been trying to.come up.with reasons to get cherish out of the house and away from.all the fam but now I'm enjoying them together. And cherish really needs that one person.

  3. The last picture melts my heart! great capture. I was wondering what had set Wind off, she had a right to be angry, she's seen a lot of trouble in her years. I'm sure Fatima is just sampling some of the finer nectars available, and not overindulging. I like that the girls (Cherish and Fatima) are rubbing off on eachother a little bit.

    1. I love Cherish and Fatima together! I know I am breaking my own rules but it's been a nice change having a another controllable sim around the same age as the heir. They balance each other out very nicely.
      What teen doesn't take advantage of such laws in foreign countries? lol
      I think Wind would go off the deep end if anything tragic happened to Cherish!
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. Oh, such a fun update! Gosh, Cherish is getting bolder by the minute. She's really starting to get a backbone, and it's great to see her starting to come out of her shell. I love the relationship between her and Fatima. And gosh! Wind had a temper. I can't blame her for being worried though. You hear horror stories of being in a foreign country and things happen. Cherish is almost an adult but for now has to follow the rules.

    1. Cherish and Fatima are super great together. I think it's the first time I've actually had sims become actual BFFs. The more confidence and happiness that Fatima and give to Cherish the better. She will be a grown up soon, and after you stop HAVING to go to school, the easier it is to become a total hermit. Esp with a career like gardening. Fatima is like her lifeline.
      Thanks for reading!

  5. N'aww, the last picture was so cute :3 And it's amazing to see Cherish have such a rebellious streak in her! It'll be interesting to see how far she'll take it.

    1. I love cherish and Fatima together. They're so different but they love being together.
      Cherish is both shy and brooding. A combo I've never had. She gets really stressed out around New people and I always have to find a place for her to be alone to feel better. Not sure if that equals rebellious or just anti social.
      She does get a positive moodlet around fatima though!

  6. Haha teen will always be teens, even being a quite one, like Cherish!
    Beautiful their friendship, I hpoe life wont tear them appart.

    1. I LOVE them together! even on their own they gravitate to each other. More than once I have thought about using that last pic as my avatar
