Sunday, November 9, 2014

Generation 7 - Chapter 10

The wedding day is here! 

Jonas awoke with a start. It was his wedding day. A day he had been looking towards since the day he confessed his love to Candace. He felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He knew it was all about the bride and he wanted everything to be perfect for his beautiful queen. 

His hands so were shaky he had a hard time getting ready. He was glad they had decided on a themed wedding. You only got to do this once right? Why not do it in a way no one will ever forget? 

They had chosen to have the wedding at the town square. Unlimited wing room and a small parlor for the cake after. Jonas just could not wait. He and Elgon arrived early to make sure everything was set up. Candace beat them there and was waiting out in the snow for him. She seemed just as excited as he was and was absolutely glowing. 

onas must be the luckiest fairy in all of Hidden Springs! They stood staring at each other, lost in their love for each other, until Master Albert reminded them that they were standing in knee deep snow and the people wanted cake! 

"Candace, I swear to love you with my whole heart for all of my life. I can't imagine a life without you. I will do all in my power to protect you and provide for you if only you will marry me and make my life complete?" 

"Yes! Oh yes!" 

"Jonas, I swear to be by your side through thick and thin, always supporting you and never wavering in my faithfulness. Together we make a whole. Will you be my husband?" 


HOORAY! Mr and Mrs Solo 

All the guest eagerly followed the newlyweds into the parlor. Whether it was for the promised cake or to get out of the snow, it's hard to say. So many people, both invited and uninvited, were there was hardly any room to move. 

But of course, things were too good to last.... 

Candace, emboldened by her nuptuals, made the first move. 

"What the hell are you doing here? You were told you weren't welcome to my wedding! Whatever trouble you think you're going to cause won't work. We're beyond you. Leave. Now." 

Emmaline was unfazed. 

"Oh you think that because I didn't get a pretty piece of paper in the mail that I couldn't a public park? You're a silly little girl and you have no idea who you're up against. I will have my way in the end." 

"You're just a bitter old hag! Why can't you leave others alone? Can't stand anyone to be happy? No matter, your miserable life has no impact on mine. Jonas and I were made for each other and are already having our happily ever after. and you're not invited that either!" 

Jonas was busy trying to call council member Master Albert back. He needed to see what Emmaline was doing 

Before storming out Emmaline said "Oh child. So blind. I promise you that there'll be no happy ending for you!" 

After Emmaline left, Candace was worked up and fuming. Trying to diffuse the situation, Wind sent everyone away. 

Jonas was there to sooth his wife 

"Hey. Hey. It's ok. She can't bother us now. All she wanted was to ruin the wedding. But she didn't stop it did she? We're married!" 

"How about we go home and get the honeymoon started early?" 

"Oh Jonas, you always know just what to say!" 

Jonas insisted on carrying his bride up to the apt and into their bedroom

"Wow! You look amazing!" 

"I love you" they whispered to each other often as they spent the rest of the day in bed....

Bonus shots


  1. They both looked so regal!! The wedding was beautiful in all that snow :3
    Was Emmaline responsible for the (trying not to spoil this for future readers) thing? :O

    1. I wanted to do something different for their wedding. Plus I am putting an effort into using store content I usually ignore. Like their wedding ensembles.
      Emmaline. Well. She's evil. And doesn't know when to quit
