Sunday, November 9, 2014

Generation 7 - Chapter 6

After some quality dad time and fantastic night at the festival with Candace, Jonas decided he couldn't wait any longer to start living the life he dreamed of. High school was so close to being over anyway. By that weekend the snow has melted though spring and graduation were a long way off. Jonas got up early and walked down the street to the O'Dourk house. It was time to tell Mr. O'Dourk he wished to marry Candace! 

He hadn't told Candace of his plans so she was surprised to see him. Even more surprised when he asked to talk to her dad.

"Nice to see you again son. What brings you to my house so early on a Saturday morning?" 
"Well sir, I need to talk to you about something very important." 
Liam looked at Jonas for a long moment and said "Lets take this to the parlor" 

"Mr. O'Dourk I am deeply in love with your daughter...." Jonas started but Liam stopped him 
" Yes, yes I know. I've never seen my daughter so happy. I've had my eye on you two since the moment you started dating and I know exactly why you're here. Lets forget all the love torn speeches you've prepared and get to it!" 

Jonas wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but Mr. O'Dourk has a laugh on his lips when he talked 

"I want to marry Candace! Can we have your blessing?" 

"Of course you can Jonas! But with one stipulation, graduate High school first!" 

Jonas' mouth fell open. This was so much easier than he had ever anticipated. 

"I can? We can? Oh yes sir, we will! But don't tell Candace yet! I have a plan!" 
"Of course you do. Young men always do." 

Then he nearly crushed is soon to be father-in-law in a hug before running off without even saying goodbye to the confused Candace. 

*I've never asked a sim's parent for their blessing on a marriage before and didn't know I could do it with teens but it was kinda fun. I love all the new things I am learning through this challenge and the stories other people post even though I have been playing it forever 


  1. N'aww, him asking him for his blessing was too sweet! Good guy he is :3 And what a beautiful wedding it will be!

    1. He wants to do things right by Candace. And honestly I didn't know it was something teens could do! It's such a sweet action. Love it!
